The Budapest Bach Choir was founded in 1989.
The members are professional singers and their goal is to interpret baroque choir music in an original way, according to the latest approaches - especially the pieces of J. S. Bach. They find it important to perform the pieces of the Hungarian composers particularly Ferenc Liszt, Béla Bartók and Zoltán Kodály. The regularly appearing choir is one of the most significant representatives of Hungary 's music life.
Press reaction
Professional singing, excellent art: celebration after the virtuoso performance. The Budapest Bach Choir is one of the best choirs in Europe.
(Kirchenzeitung der Diözese Hildesheim)
'Delicacy' for the fans of choir music. The internationally celebrated Budapest Bach Choir is in Dankeskirche. The Bach Choir conducted by István Ella sang with great enthusiasm. The audience gained long lasting experience by listening to the parts of masses (P. Hindemith).
(Wetterauer Zeitung)
The Bach motets in crystal clear German articulation, 'Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied' with the astonishing clearness of the two-choir chorus and 'Fürchte dich nicht' with dramatic poser tinkled up.
(Thüringer Landeszeitung)
The vocal world of the choir proved to be full and captivate, and it seemed as if there were twice as many singers participating and the four and eight-voiced singing techniques were absolutely confident. The leader of the choir, István Ella, kept the choir under control, he conducted them easily, still with a firm hand, he tended to reach an energetic and unbelievable affect, also full, dynamic and lively performance.
(Straubinger Tageblatt)
Fabulous choir singing. Weimar: Respect to Bartók with the Budapest Bach Choir. It was obvious at once what excellent singers appeared in front of us. The 18 singers showed us the master school of choir singing.
(Thüringer Allgemeine)
When the Budapest Bach Choir performs German Church music the pieces of Bach and Mendelssohn have such a splendid appearance that cannot be approached and authentically interpreted by our performers. The charismatic voices of the Hungarian professional singers fly into dramatic height, with amazing power as well as they perform incredibly clear music.
(Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung)